Export from Sketchup

Exporting the File:

Here's the procedure for exporting a Sketchup to FBX.

  1. Click on File ➞ Export ➞ 3D Model.
  2. Give your file a name.
  3. Select the file type as FBX (*.fbx).
  4. Optionally, select options as explained below.
  5. Click Export.

Selecting Options:

While exporting an FBX file, you can choose from the following options:

  1. Export Only Current Selection - If selected, only the geometry selected in the model gets exported. If not selected, the entire model is selected.
  2. Triangulate All Faces - This option breaks the output into triangles instead of multisided faces.
  3. Export Two-Sided Faces - If this option is selected, faces are exported twice, once for the front and once for the back.
  4. Separate Disconnected Faces - If this option is selected, joined faces are exported as separate meshes. If the option is not selected, faces are exported in the same mesh.
  5. Export Texture Maps - If this option is selected, the textures applied to the faces will be exported with the FBX File.
  6. Swap YZ Coordinates (Y is Up) - If selected, this option swaps the Y (green) axis with the Z (blue) axis so that the Y axis is up. In case you want to leave the Z axis up, leave this option unselected.
  7. Units - Select the appropriate value from the drop down to set the unit size in the FBX file. If you want to leave the units the same as those in the SketchUp model, leave the default option (Model Units) selected.
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