Setup your profile and branding

Customise your profile and workspace's branding to provide a more familiar and on-brand experience for your workspace users.

Set your workspace profile

  1. Click your default workspace from the upper left of the screen > Workspace Settings.
  2. To upload or change the workspace image, click Change Logo.
  3. Upload an image file, then click Save Photo.
  4. Give the workspace a new name.
  5. When you're done, click Save.

Once the information gets updated successfully, the Save button greys out.

Set your personal profile

Manage and update your personal profile information.

  1. Click your name from the bottom left of the screen.
  2. From the Personal Settings tab, update profile details.
  3. To upload or change the profile image, click Change Photo.
  4. Upload an image file, then click Save Photo.
  5. When you're done, click Save.

Once the information gets updated successfully, the Save button greys out.

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